Friday, October 29, 2010

First film to present iVocAudio (in French)

"First" is great, but also means:
  • That I used the demo version of ScreenFlow to make this video/screencast => the video is branded quite heavily ^^
  • That I just recorded it and it's 3h50 Turkish time in the morning so it will need fine-tuning,
  • Because of item 2), I made it in French (next one will be in English)

Dailymotion film 1 (French)

1 comment:

  1. Franchement bravo Jeoud!
    C'est super bien fait, pratique, clair, Félicitations!
    Je suis content de voir que ce projet qui était en cours quand je suis venu, voit enfin le jour...
    Demain, tout le monde va se l'arracher!
    Encore bravo!

